A New Way to Play Slots!

Posted by:
Adi Galatanu
May 15, 2022
115 Comment

Things You Have to Know Before Playing “Quest SAGA”

If you haven’t already heard about Slotomania’s latest mini-game, Quest SAGA, then you have come to the right place. Slotomania has launched a colorful and adventurous feature, that takes place in ‘Island Bay’. As you might have guessed, Island Bay is a wonderful and a mysterious place, packed with unexplored islands & hidden treasures – Ka Ching! You’ll have the opportunity to complete fun missions, unlock magical gates, and of course – find treasure chests that holds unique prizes! Woohoo! Here is everything you must know before you head on and start your own Quest.

Never Ending Adventure

Quest SAGA is the proud successor of SlotoQuest – one of Slotomania’s most iconic mini games in which players enjoyed spinning slot-machines in order to reach desired treasure chests. Once completed, players had to start all over again if they wanted to enjoy that thrill again… Like, what? Unlike SlotoQuest, Quest SAGA is an actual never-ending story! New islands are frequently updated and added to Island Bay, so you’ll never feel bored. It keeps on surprising with more Islands & more prizes – because a day without excitement is a wasted day.

New Power Ups

Hold on to your hiking shoes – the new Power Ups are about to knock your socks off! All you need are a few Gems, and your game will get boosted in no time. Like, twice as fast. Unlike SlotoQuest, which had a timer count down for Power Ups, Quest SAGA’s Power Ups are based on the number of spins you play. Meaning you will not be losing precious Power Up time when choosing on which new game you want to play or moving in between islands. Heck, you can even make long distance calls to your cousins in Norway! (Just kidding, you might not have a cousin in Norway…) This is an awesome improvement by all means & it looks like Slotomania has raised the bar once again.

Your Quest – Your Path

One of the most exciting changes you’ll notice, is that unlike SlotoQuest, which had one long trail, Quest SAGA grants you the option to make your own choices and enjoy your own personal quest experience. In fact, YOU are the one who gets to choose which islands to explore and what games to play. Hallelujah, anyone? Need some more stars & you’re not a huge fan of magical-themed slots? No problem! Head on to the game you like and spin until your finger falls off. Well, maybe don’t go that far, but you get the point. This is clearly another case of Slotomania hearing out the voice of the players.

Own That Bonus Round

You’ve probably been there before – you’re super close to triggering a big bonus round in a game you love… You can feel it… almost there… and then… DING! You’ve completed the final mission & it’s time to move on to the next game. As much as you enjoy progressing in this feature, you really wanted to have that fun & exciting bonus round. Well guess what? Now you can! In Quest SAGA, you have a choice whether to keep on spinning or continue to the next game in line – even if you nailed it through all missions. Don’t worry – you’ll get notified when your missions are done, but the freedom of play is totally yours! Funtastic It looks like Quest SAGA has all the fun & excitement you need – an endless story, colorful graphics, dynamic islands and tons of prizes. Grab on to your compass & put a smile on your face – time to quest and find out what will today spin.

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115 thoughts on “A New Way to Play Slots!”

  • Yes awesome


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